
Shoulder Pain Relief Minneapolis

Minneapolis chiropractor Dr. Rob Privratsky can help eliminate shoulder pain for good

Shoulder Pain Relief in MinneapolisShoulder pain can be debilitating, and while causes can vary from case to case, it is important to address the issue before it gets worse. Shoulder pain can be caused by the joint itself or the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the shoulder joint.

To treat shoulder pain, it is important to first assess the root cause of shoulder discomfort. A professional medical assessment is essential, as self-diagnosis or mere assumptions may give patients an unrealistic and ineffective path to recovery. Once the cause of pain is determined — either through x-ray or other imaging technologies that show soft tissue abnormalities — care can begin.

In many cases, chiropractic care can be very beneficial for those with a shoulder injury to provide lasting pain relief.

Minneapolis Chiropractic owner and chief chiropractor Dr. Rob Privratsky has dealt with shoulder injury cases for years and is confident in utilizing the Chiropractic BioPhysics protocol to help reduce and relieve pain, improve range of motion, increase flexibility, and restore function to the joint.

As one of only a few chiropractors in Minneapolis trained in this highly advanced and results-oriented protocol called Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), Dr. Rob bases his approach and treatment on a customized, methodical, and calculated path to address joint issues and promote shoulder health. This treatment can include joint adjustments and exercises to promote healing and long-lasting pain relief.

Chiropractic care is a holistic, and non-surgical approach, which for many has proved to be very effective, eliminating shoulder pain and rule-out the need for shoulder surgery.

Contact us today to make an appointment and get started on treating your shoulder pain once and for all.

Non Invasive

Safe & Effective

No Downtime


Call: 612-345-5376

Please call us during regular business hours!

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Minneapolis Chiropractic Center

Edina Office
6550 York Ave South, Suite 210
Edina, MN 55435

Edina Hours
Mon + Wed + Fri
Tues + Thurs
By Appt Only

Uptown Office
1216 West Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Uptown Hours
Mon + Wed + Fri
By Appt Only