Minneapolis Chiropractor: Is Your Neck Posture Causing Headaches?

Neck Posture Causing Headaches

Thousands of Minneapolis / St Paul residents experience headaches and migraines on a consistent basis. While some ignore the symptoms hoping the pain will vanish on its own, the vast majority of people mask their throbbing headaches or debilitating migraines with over the counter drugs or prescription strength medication.

While these drugs numb the source of the pain or discomfort for a short period of time, it doesn’t mean that the cause has been treated or eliminated. As most of you can attest to this, the minute the drugs start wearing off, the symptoms start making a comeback.

Let’s take a closer look at the causes of headaches and migraines, to see how we can naturally address and eliminate them.


Our bodies need a good amount of water to function correctly. Most doctors suggest taking in a minimum of 8 glasses of water – not to include sodas, alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, or juices. One of the symptoms of dehydration is headaches, which means your body has gone without adequate amount of water for days before these symptoms start showing themselves.

To kick your chronic dehydration, you must cut out sodas, alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, and juices for at least 90 days, and replace your liquid intake with a minimum of the 8 glasses or water. In due time, you will notice a much better quality of life, and perhaps a reduction in the number of headaches you experience.


Many people don’t understand how stress can adversely affect one’s health. Recent studies suggest that up to 90% of diseases can be caused by stress. There are always bills to be paid, kids to be bathed, and social media “friends” that seemingly have more exciting lives that we cannot compete with (that’s another blog for another time!).

Take 20 minutes each morning and 20 minutes each evening – without your phone, TV, or distractions – and meditate. If you cannot escape your family or kids, meditate in the shower, drive to a nearby park and sit on a bench, or close the door of your office and put your feet up. You’ll see that emptying your mind of all the stress will not only revitalize your mood, but put things in perspective. It may even reduce your frequency of headaches or migraines.

Poor Posture

In today’s age of computers, video games, long-commutes, and mobile phones, there is a more than 90% chance that your neck’s shape or posture is responsible for your headache and migraine episodes.

As a chiropractor in Minneapolis, I see this all the time. People tell me they’ve cut out alcohol, coffee, and sodas, and replaced it with water… but they’re still experiencing headaches. Maybe not as bad or as often as before, but the headaches or migraines still make a comeback.

I specialize in Chiropractic BioPhysics, a corrective chiropractic technique. I am part of only a handful of chiropractors nationwide (let alone Minneapolis) that specialize in this technique. CBP is the most researched, peer-reviewed, published, scientific, and results oriented chiropractic technique in the world.

As the name implies, chiropractors who specialize in CBP aim to not only correct the structure of the spine… but take pressure off the delicate nerves that flow out of it and into various regions and organs of the body.

Think about it… with the advent of mobile phones and laptops, we are now stretching our necks forward for hours at a time, or slouching to watch a funny YouTube video on our phones. This results in not only stretched nerves, but also buildup of excess pressure as our vertebrae start exerting pressure on those delicate nerves we talked about.

This results in not only headaches and migraines, but a wide orange of other health issues including fatigue, allergies, high blood pressure, acid reflux disease, asthma, and tingling and numbness in our extremities.

As a corrective care chiropractor in Minneapolis, I hear this all the time… “doc, I don’t think my neck or back needs any correction” or “I don’t have many symptoms aside from the headaches”. Well, guess what… symptoms are often the last indication of disease. Let me reiterate… symptoms are often the last indication of disease. This means your health could be in a state of disarray, and you wouldn’t know it because the symptoms haven’t surfaced yet.

Neck pain relief in Minneapolis

So whether you or a loved one is suffering with headaches, or migraines, you owe it to yourself to find out whether poor posture is the culprit.

The spinal rehabilitation that Chiropractic BioPhysics practitioners such as myself perform, are completely scientific, non-invasive, and painless. Best of all, depending on the level of your structural misalignment, you can start seeing measurable results in as little as a few sessions.

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