
Your Chiropractic Care in Minneapolis

Chiropractic Care MinneapolisChiropractic Biophysics (a.k.a. Clinical Biomechanics of Posture or CBP) is a chiropractic technique that focuses on rebuilding the spine into a stronger, healthier, more stable structure.

We recognize the importance of good posture on not only your spinal health, but also on your overall health and wellbeing. By restoring posture to as near normal as possible, we can minimize wear and tear on the spine by reducing excess stress and strain on the muscles, ligaments and joints, which is the source of pain in many cases.

CBP has published over 225 peer reviewed research papers in medical and chiropractic journals making it one of the most researched treatments for spinal pain. It truly is state of the art chiropractic care.

Non Invasive

Safe & Effective

No Downtime


Call: 612-345-5376

Please call us during regular business hours!

Complete Care Chiropractic

On your first visit to our office you will be asked to complete the intake paperwork which will provide information about you and your condition. We will then have a conversation about your current condition, as well as past conditions, so that I can gather as much information as possible and determine if your condition can be helped by chiropractic care. Most often, we will be able to help you, but if necessary we will refer you to the appropriate doctor or specialist.

Chiropractic care in Minneapolis
Posture correction

Next, a very thorough postural examination is performed to accurately analyze your overall body alignment. This is followed by standard tests to see how your spine moves, and what effect different movements have on both your spine and your pain level. Next your reflexes, your muscle strength and your ability to feel various types of touch are often performed. Your blood pressure, pulse, height and weight are also recorded.

The next step is a very precise structural x-ray examination to see the position of your spinal bones and to rule out any other possible diseases that may be affecting your spine. Commonly, we see the structural abnormalities that result in abnormal spinal weight-bearing that in turn produces excess stress and strain on the spine and surrounding muscles and ligaments. X-ray also allows us to objectively quantify your specific spinal displacement and design a treatment program based on your unique condition.

Xray of Spine
Chiropractic Adjustment

Once all of the data about you and your problem is collected I analyze the x-rays and examination findings, correlate this with the history you provided, and design a recommended a treatment program. On your following visit, we (you and I), as a team of chiropractor in Minneapolis, decide what the best approach for you to achieve the results you desire.


The treatment is the delivery of gentle precise forces to the abnormally positioned spinal bones to correct their position. Dr. Rob’s patients often comment on how gentle he is when performing spinal manipulation. He also employs other manipulation styles to accommodate individuals who do not like the “popping” sounds often heard during traditional manipulation. I also use various specific exercises designed to retrain your spinal muscles to a more normal function. Often, ice packs are used to help the body control swelling and /or inflammation.

Chiropractic Treatment

Looking for Chiropractor in Minneapolis or Edina, MN?

Call Today 612-345-5376

Minneapolis Chiropractic Center

Edina Office
6550 York Ave South, Suite 210
Edina, MN 55435

Edina Hours
Mon + Wed + Fri
Tues + Thurs
By Appt Only

Uptown Office
1216 West Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Uptown Hours
Mon + Wed + Fri
By Appt Only